My mother did an excellent job of providing healthy, nutritious meals every single day. She was diligent in making sure we had sources of protein, grains, a vegetable, and fruit. Much to my brother's and my dismay, she refused to buy us sugary cereal, stating that it wasn't good for our bodies to have so much sugar. Thanks to her persistence in providing us with healthy meals, she raised two children who now are teaching the same important concepts to their children. One of the major concerns in young children is childhood obesity. The fat and sugar intake has increased so dramatically based on such busy lifestyles, however "diets should be well balanced and should include fats, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals" (Children 263).
In addition to healthy meals, my parents did everything in their power to keep us safe in our home. They didn't smoke, didn't keep a gun in the house, and kept us both in the backseat of the car far longer than they needed to. Although no parent can monitor their child 24/7, those were just a few steps that helped keep us safe, and are still applicable today.
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