Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sleep and Sleep Problems

Nightmares, night terrors, sleep talking, and somnambulism or sleep walking are all common sleep problems that occur in early childhood. Most children outgrow these sleep problems, but in instances such as sleep walking, parents should try to make the home as safe as possible, and consult a physician for treatment options. Contrary to popular belief it is absolutely safe and sometimes necessary to walk a sleep-walking child. When I was younger I used to have horrible nightmares. I would wake up in the middle of night screaming, and my poor parents would try to do everything they could to calm me down. In addition, I also talked quite coherently in my sleep, and often times I would have entire conversations, without even waking up. I wish I could say I grew out of them both, but I'll admit I still talk in my sleep, a fact which my husband likes to lovingly tease me about.

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